Most common questions

The insurance providers on our site have different approaches to this. For some, a river cruise is covered automatically and for others, you would need to select the cruise add-on, before purchase.

However, as all of the quotes we provide on our site, automatically include Cruise Cover, you will not need to worry about adding this cover. 

After you’ve completed your quote, make sure to check your policy documents to make sure river cruises are covered. 

If you are looking for a single-trip policy, our handy cruise finder tool can make entering the countries your cruise will be visiting very easy. All you need to do is select the "Cruise Operator", "Month" and "Ship Name" from the handy drop downs - our system will then check your cruise itinerary, find the start and end dates of your cruise and input the countries for you. 

You can then add and amend this information, to include any additional countries you plan to visit (before or after your cruise) and amend the start and end dates, should you plan to head away before or after your cruise, as part of the same trip. 

If you are looking for an annual policy, you will need to select either "Europe", "Worldwide excluding USA, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean" or "Worldwide". Make sure you take into account all of the potential destinations you intend to visit over the year. 

If you have to cancel your cruise, your insurance provider may be able to cover the cost of your pre-booked excursions, and this will usually be up to a certain amount.

We'll show you whether this is covered before you buy your policy.

Cruise cover is an add-on for travel insurance. This add-on provides you with additional benefits that have been curated, specifically for cruise holidays. Examples of additional cover: include: Missed Port, Cruise Interruption and Cabin Confinement. 

All of the quotes we provide here at Compare Your Cruise Insurance, include Cruise Cover as standard. 

Travel insurance with cruise cover can protect you from potential and very costly, expenses should you fall ill or have an accident whilst at sea. Should you need to seek emergency assistance on land, your cruise travel insurance can help cover the costs of being airlifted to land. 

Additionally, in most cases, you will be required to pay for any medical assistance you receive onboard the ship, which can be very expensive.

Cruise cover can protect you from cruise-specific scenarios that could occur. Perhaps you need help in getting back on board your ship following hospital treatment on land, or, following an illness or injury,  you have been confined to your cabin by the on-board medical officer - cruise cover is there ready to help.

The cruise interruption benefit can help you get back on board your cruise if you need to temporarily disembark for hospital treatment, on dry land. 

In most cases, to be able to claim this benefit, you would need to already have a valid medical claim in place. Additionally, you would need to discuss expenses with your cruise provider first before booking any transport or accommodation, via their emergency helpline. 

Check your policy documents for more information. 

Should your cruise be unable to dock at a scheduled port stop, due to adverse weather or timetable restrictions, your insurer will provide you with compensation, for each port missed. You will need to contact your insurance provider and give them evidence from the cruise company, confirming which ports were missed and why. 

Providers will not give compensation if an alternative port stop was made, or, if the cruise company had offered you on-board compensation (which includes on-board credit). Make sure to check your documents for more information. 

In the unfortunate event that the Medical Officer on your cruise ship has confined you to your cabin, due to illness or injury, you might be able to claim under the Cabin Confinement benefit. Usually, insurance providers will give you compensation for each day you are confined to your cabin. 

You would not be able to claim, if you decided to remain in your cabin because you felt poorly or if you were not instructed by the medical officer, to remain there. Refer to your documents for more information. 

If the Medical Officer on your cruise ship has confined you to your cabin, due to illness or injury, the cabin confinement benefit can extend to include your excursions. You could be covered for any pre-booked and paid excursions that you miss whilst confined to your cabin.

You would not be covered, if you changed your mind and no longer wanted to participate, or if you decided to remain in your cabin because you felt poorly, or you were not instructed to remain in your cabin by the Medical Officer. 

When on a cruise, you may likely need to take formal evening wear with you to be able to attend some onboard dinners and events. Evening wear cover will provide your formal wear with protection from loss, theft or damage. In successful claims, the provider will either cover the costs of hiring a replacement or for the cleaning/repair of your garment. 

However, some providers may not cover these costs, if you already have in your possession a suitable, undamaged alternarive. Check your policy wording for more information.